Friday, August 31, 2012 shop september birthstone shop september birthstone: Sapphire Gemstone meaning A sapphire means blue in Greek. The blue goes from dark blue almost black to pale blue. The finest ...

shop september birthstone

Sapphire Gemstone meaning

A sapphire means blue in Greek. The blue goes from dark blue almost black to pale blue. The finest blue sapphires are a strong blue. The star sapphire is very valued. Sapphires of colors other than blue are always referred to with the color. There are pink sapphires, yellow sapphires, violet sapphires, green sapphires and clear sapphires. Today most sapphires are mined in Australia.
It is said a necklace of sapphires will cure a sore throat.
The sapphire was called the "Stone of Destiny". Sapphires contribute to mental clarity and perception. They can promote financial rewards.
The sapphire is the symbol of heaven and joyful devotion to God.
Sapphire is associated with Aquarius, Virgo, Libra and Capricorn. It is the birthstone of September and has been the birthstone of April. Sapphire is the symbol of Saturn (dark blue) and Venus (light blue).

Thursday, August 30, 2012

shop spinel shop morganite shop morganite: Magnetite (Lodestone) meaning Lodestone, a variety of magnetite, has a powerful positive-negative polarity. It is a basic sto...

shop morganite

Magnetite (Lodestone) meaning

Lodestone, a variety of magnetite, has a powerful positive-negative polarity. It is a basic stone used by crystal healers to realign energy flows in the body.

Magnetite balances the intellect with inner emotions to bring about stability.

This is an excellent stone for balancing polarities such as male-female; physical-spiritual; left brain-right brain, and many more.
Magnetite aligns the chakras and connects the base and earth chakras to the nurturing energies of the earth. Additional properties include:
  • Aids telepathy, meditation, visualization
  • Strengthens trust in your own intuitions
  • The magnetic quality of magnetite attracts love, commitment and loyalty
  • Offers relief from negative emotions

Healing properties of magnetite

Healers use this stone for recovery. It is said to be beneficial for asthma, blood and circulatory system, skin and hair. Some use it for muscle strains and cramps; to stop nosebleeds.

Saturday, August 25, 2012's photostream

IMG_1545IMG_1455IMG_1413IMG_1593IMG_1491IMG_1482 Imperial Topaz gemstone meaningTopaz is one of...

Imperial Topaz gemstone meaningTopaz is one of...
: Imperial Topaz gemstone meaning Topaz is one of the twelve breastplate stones of the High Priest referred to in the Book o...

Imperial Topaz gemstone meaning

Topaz is one of the twelve breastplate stones of the High Priest referred to in the Book of Exodus. The breastplate stones are considered sacred to twelve mighty angels who guard the gates to Paradise.
Today, imperial topaz is used to:
  • Encourage self realization and confidence
  • Impart strength to quiet wild emotions
  • Banish bad dreams
  • Bestow charisma on its user
  • Topaz draws love to its wearer
  • Protection against envy, disease, negative magic and sudden or untimely death
  • Combined with tiger eye, topaz will bring wealth and money

Healing properties of Imperial Topaz

  • Stimulate the appetite
  • Aid in nervous exhaustion
  • Activate life force and metabolism

Sources of Imperial Topaz

Topaz occurs in a range of different colors: deep golden yellow (Imperial Topaz), blue, light to medium brown (Champagne Topaz), pink, and white topaz.
Topaz can be found in Brazil, USA, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, former USSR, Australia, Tasmania, Pakistan, Mexico, Japan and Africa. shop Ametrine shop Ametrine Ametrine Gemstone meaning Ametrine is a rare and unusual stone which occurs in quartz when amethyst and citrine reside in ...

shop Ametrine

Ametrine Gemstone meaning

Ametrine is a rare and unusual stone which occurs in quartz when amethyst and citrine reside in the same crystal. Because the color zoning effect is natural, no two ametrines will ever be exactly alike.
*Until very recently, the world's only source of this bicolored natural quartz is the Anahi Mine located in the jungles of Bolivia. It is rumoured that the mines where first discovered by native Indians in the seventeenth century. The Bolivian government declared the land a state reserve and built a fortress near the mine entrance. Despite its remote location, ametrine (as well as natural amethyst and citrine) made its way across the border to Brazil. These goods were then sold as Brazilian products. This caused a change in the government in Bolivia in 1989. The rights to the mine were sold, and during the past decade, these collectible gems became available on the domestic marketplace.
*Miners in the Brazilian state of Bahia are finding small amounts of this combination amethyst/citrine.
Ametrine is among an elite group of gems, because as of now there is just one source of this treasure in the world. You should add an ametrine to your collection now, since its future availability is uncertain at best.

Healing properties of Ametrine

Ametrine is very helpful in getting rid of depression. This leads to inner peace and tranquility.
Many believe that it contains the powers of amethyst and citrine in one stone, making it a very powerful money stone as well as an excellent via to higher psychic awareness and spiritual enlightenment.
VERY RARE POWER STONE. shop jewelry opal shop jewelry opal Opal Gemstone meaning Opal was formed many millions of years ago, when a combination of silica and water flowed into crack...

shop jewelry opal

Opal Gemstone meaning

Opal was formed many millions of years ago, when a combination of silica and water flowed into cracks and spaces in the ground. This then gradually hardened and solidified to become opal. Opals contain water, which makes them very sensitive to heat. They are soft and can be cracked or chipped easily. Opals should be stored in moist absorbent cotton.

Ethiopian Opal

Ethiopian opal is believed to be an old gemstone. In 1939, an anthropologist found evidence of use of the opal by early man in a cave in Kenya. It was not until the mid 1990s when the opal was re-discovered and mining was begun.

Vision stone

  • Enhances creativity and stimulates the imagination
  • Aligns spiritual with astral and psychic planes
  • Mystic vision stone
This stone is also known as the "Chocolate Opal" because of its chocolate color inside its nodule. Good Ethiopian opals have diverse play of colors from Neon reds, oranges, green, blue, white, yellow, brown and a fire color. Ethiopian fire opals have striking pattern formations which make each opal unique.