Friday, January 9, 2015

Gemstones have been used down the ages to assist in physical healing. Each stone has certain metaphysical qualities and its energies can help relieve pain

Gemstones for Physical Healing

Gemstones have been used down the ages to assist in physical healing. Each stone has certain metaphysical qualities and its energies can help relieve pain and provide positive energy when one has been traumatized or experiencing physical pain.
Of course gemstones do not replace conventional healing or seeing your doctor for body problems you are experiencing. If you have a physical emergency you of course will get urgent care from a doctor. However, stones have been known to assist one physically and mentally in recovering from a past physical trauma and psychosomatic illnesses.
Below are some common physical issues people might run into and listed are the stones that are known to assist one in healing from these problems and to relieve stress.
Combined with modern healing, these stones can be a great help in keeping healthy and strong.
Below are ways that these stones can be used:
  • Rub the stones in the area of pain or difficulty and concentrate on the stones energy to let its healing powers alleviate pain.
  • Placing the stones in your bedroom near you while you sleep
  • Put them around the area where you might be feeling stress to relieve it
  • Wear them on your body as a necklace or bracelet to lets it energy heal throughout the day
  • Meditate with them
  • Get prayer beads of the applicable stones and use these in your prayers.
  • Massage the location with the stone.

Physical Healing Stones

Addiction: Amethyst AgatePurple Agate, Sage, Astrophyillite, Galena, Nebula Stone,RubyDravite, Zircon
Bone issues: Aragonite Star ClustersElestial QuartzFlouriteKyanite, Black Opal, Green Quartz, Sphene
Brain function: Amethyst, Astrophyllite, Cryolite, Euclase, Herderite, Phenacite,PietersitePurpuriteFlouriteGoshenite,
Cancer: Bixbite, Clinochlore, Elestial Quartz, EpidoteGalenaUnakite Jasper, Lemurian Jade, Obsidian, Prophecy Stone, Pyromorphite, SeraphiniteGreen Tourmaline
Detoxification: Green Apatite, Astrophyllite, Apatite Red CalciteCarnelianDolomite,Galena, Golden Labradorite, Hematite, Rainforest Jade, MalachiteMahogany Obsidian, Prousite, Rhodonite, Black Spinel, Zircon
Digestive issues: Fire AgateMoss Agate, Albite, AmberAmetrineGold DanburiteGolden Apatite, Bustamite, CacoxeniteOrange CalciteCelestiteHeat Treated CitrineGolden Labradorite, Heliodor, Gold Quartz, Libyan Gold Tektite, Obsidian Gold, Opal, Prasiolite, Pyromorphite, Yellow Sapphire, Yellow & Pink Scapolite, Black Spinel, Sunstone, Golden Tourmaline
Gall bladder: Golden Apatite, Golden Chrysoberyl, Golden LabradoritePetrified Wood, Pyromorphite, Rhodonite, Yellow Scapolite
Headaches: Purple Agate,Blue ApatiteBlue Calcite, Fairy Wand Quartz, Goshenite, Herderite,Lazulite, Merlinite, MuscoviteOnyx, Rhodizite, Blue SapphireStibnite, Stitchtite, Blue Tourmaline
Infections: AmberCelestiteCovelliteGalena, Black Jade, Larimar, Marcasite, Meteorite, Blue Opal, Proustite, PyriteStibnite
Kidney Trouble: Brazilianite, Celestite, Golden Chrysoberyl, Golden LabradoriteJet, Marcasite, Mohogany Obsidian, OpalRhodonite, Yellow Scapolite, Tiger Iron, Golden Topaz
Lung issues: Blue Aragonite, Black Quartz, Blue CalciteDiopsideUnakite Jasper, Lepidocracite, Pink OpalSeraphiniteTiger Iron
Stress: Agate, Albite, AmazoniteAngel QuartzAngel QuartzAqua Aura QuartzPink CalciteCavansite, Green Chrysoberyl, ChrysocollaDolomite, Gaia Stone, Purple Jade,KunziteLepidolite, Lithium Quartz, PetaliteRhodochrosite
Physical Trauma: Amazonite, Amegreen, Green Chrysoberyl, Goethite, KunziteKyanite,Clear Quartz, Spider Jasper, Vivianite
Weight management: AdamiteAngeliteGolden Apatite, Astrophyllite, Clear CalciteRed CalciteCelestiteHeated CitrineDolomite, Dream Quartz, Garnet, Iolite-Sunstone, Red JasperRainforest JasperUnakite JasperMagnetite, Marcasite, OnyxRhodonite, Star Ruby, Red Quartz, Smithsonite

Saturday, January 3, 2015

It is used as a dream stone and to help insomnia. Put an amethyst under your pillow to bring about pleasant dreams, or rub it across your forehead to offer relief from a headache.

Power Stone

It is used as a dream stone and to help insomnia. Put an amethyst under your pillow to bring about pleasant dreams, or rub it across your forehead to offer relief from a headache.

Protection Stone

Ancient Egyptians used the amethyst guard against guilty and fearful feelings. It has been worn as protection from self-deception, as well as a protection against witchcraft. The amethyst has long been used to open the spiritual and psychic centers, making it one of the power stones. It is also used as a meditation aid when worn as a necklace.

Wisdom Stone

The amethyst is known as the Bishop's Stone and is still worn by Catholic Bishops. The amethyst symbolizes piety, humility, sincerity and spiritual wisdom. It is thought the amethyst is the perfect stone to symbolize The Age of Aquarius.

The Ruby is filled with love. It also helps sexual love to be more passionate.

Healing properties of Ruby

Ruby works with the flow of blood as an aid to circulation. It aids the cleansing and removal of infection or germs in the blood. The Ruby may be worn in jewelry, but never close to the solar plexus, as the Ruby has a disquieting effect upon it. In a ring wear it on your left hand.